Tag Archives: report


Juan Vito (27116035)



Carbon Footprint merupakan jumlah total karbon yang diproduksi untuk mendukung kegiatan manusia baik secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Setiap kegiatan manusia memproduksi karbon yang banyak dapat meningkatkan suhu di bumi, yang dapat mengakibatkan perubahan cuaca. Nilai Carbon Footprint tiap orang berbeda-beda, berdasarkan gaya hidup sehari-harinya. Terdapat aplikasi online untuk menghitung Carbon Footprint, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui kadar karbon yang dihasilkan dihitung dari kegiatan rutin yang kita lakukan. Kalkulasi Carbon Footprint diperlukan sebagai patokan, apakah sudah melebihi batas normal atau tidak.  National Geographic pernah memuat tentang 14 cara sederhana untuk mengurangi carbon footprint, yaitu dengan merubah gaya hidup sehari-hari, mulai dari mengefisiensi pemakaian lampu di rumah, mengurangi perjalanan dengan menggunakan pesawat bila memungkinkan, mengganti peralatan elektronik lama seperti kulkas dan setrika dengan model baru yang lebih ‘pintar’, melakukan daur ulang, menghemat bahan bakar dengan menggunakan bahan bakar elektrik ataupun memakai kendaraan berteknologi hibrida, mengurangi berkendara apalagi masih bisa berjalan kaki atau bersepeda, mengurangi makanan daging terutama daging impor karena mendatangkan daging impor memproduksi karbon yang besar, dan mengurangi minuman berbotol plastik dan minuman berkemasan lainnya.


Mengurangi makan daging sapi dapat mengurangi Carbon Footprint

Sampah plastik merupakan salah satu yang paling merusak lingkungan karena membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk terurai. Kesadaran manusia akan hal tersebut membuat banyak inovasi dilakukan terkait sampah plastik, mulai dari membuat kemasan dari kertas, memakai tas kain sebagai pengganti plastik ketika berbelanja, menciptakan plastik yang lebih mudah terurai, dll. Untuk menciptakan 1 kg polyethylene, bahan dasar plastik, menggunakan energi dengan membakar setara 2 kg minyak. Sementara membakar 1 kg minyak menciptakan sebanyak 3 kg karbon dioksida. Dengan kata lain, dalam pembuatan 1 kg plastik, tercipta sebanyak 6 kg karbon dioksida.

Salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan peralatan olahraga Nike sejak 2010 hingga saat ini adalah pembuatan seragam olahraga dengan menggunakan recycled polyester. Dengan etos Nike Better World, perusahaan ini memproduksi seragam olahraga ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan limbah botol plastik yang dipotong-potong dan dilelehkan, yang kemudian dijadikan bahan dasar kain untuk membuat seragam. Sekitar 96% dari bahan baku untuk membuat pakaian olahraga menggunakan limbah botol plastik. Dibutuhkan setara 8 botol plastik untuk membuat satu buah T-shirt, dan 5 botol plastik untuk membuat celana olahraga. Dalam pengerjaannya, menggunakan recycled polyester menghemat 30% penggunaaan energi dibandingkan dengan membuat polyester baru. Pembuatan seragam dengan teknik recycled polyester dalam setahun mengkonsumsi setidaknya 13 juta botol plastik, yang jika dihitung seluas 28 lapangan sepakbola, cukup signifikan mengurangi jumlah sampah plastik dari lingkungan.


Seragam tim nasional Brazil dengan menggunakan recycled polyester


Seragam cabang olahraga basket, renang dan sepakbola dengan recycled polyester

Pada Piala Dunia 2010, Euro 2012, semua tim nasional yang menggunakan produk Nike memakai seragam dengan recycled polyester. Bahan yang sama juga dikembangkan Nike untuk cabang olahraga lain. Pada Olimpiade London 2012 dan Olimpiade Rio 2016, seragam basket dan pakaian renang dari Negara yang menggunakan produk Nike menggunakan bahan recycled polyester. Teknologi daur ulang plastik juga digunakan produk perlengkapan olahraga Adidas dan produsen alat olahraga Asia dalam membuat sepatu olahraga dan sneakers. Hal ini memperlihatkan kesadaran manusia untuk menciptakan produk yang tidak hanya untuk mencari keuntungan namun memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan.


Jam Tangan Ramah Lingkungan dari Limbah Kayu

Reny Maryani (27115046)

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan memiliki berbagai macam kekayaan sumber daya alam, salah satunya kayu. Kayu merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang di manfaatkan oleh manusia selama berjuta-juta tahun lamanya. Pemanfaatannya berawal dari kayu bakar, kemudian berkembang menjadi bermacam-macam kegunaan seperti tempat tinggal, kendaraan, alat musik, rumah lampu, furniture, peralatan rumah tangga, alas kaki, mainan hingga aksesoris. Dalam proses pengolahannya tidak jarang menghasilkan limbah kayu dengan jumlah yang tidak sedikit, ditambah apabila produk yang dihasilkan dibuat secara mass production maka semakin banyak pula limbah kayu yang dihasilkan. Kayu adalah salah satu sumber daya alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan kembali meskipun sudah menjadi limbah. Di Indonesia, limbah kayu sudah dimanfaatkan menjadi produk dengan fungsi yang sama atau baru. Mulai dari yang bernilai ekonomi rendah seperti arang sampai yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi seperti peralatan rumah tangga hingga aksesoris. Selain kenaikan nilai ekonomi dari limbah kayu yang diolah yaitu kita dapat memaksimalkan dan memperpanjang usia kayu tersebut karena seperti yang kita ketahui kayu (contohnya kayu jati) baru dapat dipanen setelah usia pohon minimal 5 – 10 tahun. 

Melimpahnya limbah kayu dari workshop interior-furniture yang tidak termanfaatkan dengan baik menjadikan ide bagi para industri kreatif untuk menggunakan limbah kayu sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan produk baru. Peluang pengolahan limbah kayu ini sudah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang kreatif dari seluruh dunia. Salah satunya adalah Matoa, brand jam tangan pertama yang menggunakan limbah kayu sebagai bahan baku utamanya dan merupakan hasil karya anak bangsa dengan mengambil konsep urban, simplicity and nature menjadikan produk ini terasa eksklusif karena dibuat oleh para pengrajin dengan keahlian tinggi yang detail oriented dan tentu saja di desain dengan cukup apik oleh para desainernya. Ditambah dengan menggunakan limbah kayu berkualitas baik yaitu Maple dan Ebony Makasar menjadikan kualitas jam tangannya sangat baik.

Secara tidak langsung Matoa mengajak para konsumen menjadi bagian dari orang-orang yang peduli tentang penggunaan limbah kayu dengan memakai produk yang ramah lingkungan dan bahan baku yang berkelanjutan. Dan menegaskan bahwa pengolahan limbah kayu yang dilakukan secara professional dalam arti secara konsep desain dan proses pengerjaannya matang serta di dukung dengan packaging yang menarik dapat menghasilkan suatu karya atau produk yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi.

Tren sustainability design yang sedang digembar-gemborkan oleh para komunitas, pelaku industri, desainer dan pelaku yang lainnya juga bisa menjadikan pengolahan limbah kayu menjadi salah satu fokus utama dalam pengembangan desain yang berkelanjutan. Potensi pengolahan limbah kayu menjadi produk dengan nilai ekonomi masih terbuka lebar bagi para pelaku industri kreatif, karena masih banyak peluang produk-produk lain yang belum di ciptakan atau diciptakan kembali dengan menggunakan bahan baku utama dari limbah kayu. Selain itu dengan memanfaatkan atau menggunakan produk dari limbah kayu juga membuat kita turut berpartisipasi atas keberlanjutan usia produktif kayu. Karena tidak dapat dipungkiri, dengan meningkatnya permintaan pasar akan kebutuhan kayu sebagai bahan baku utama untuk di olah menjadi berbagai macam produk menjadikan pasokan kayu semakin berlimpah di pasaran, ini berakibat semakin banyak pula limbah kayu yang dihasilkan. Setidaknya dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu yang ada menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi limbah kayu, namun lebih baik lagi apabila kita dapat memanfaatkan limbah kayu menjadi zero waste.


http://www.trubus-online.co.id/panen-jati-lima-tahun/ di akses 10 Maret 2017

https://www.matoa-indonesia.com/ di akses 10 Maret 2017


Design Thinking workshop: urban mobility

DAbdg putihWe plan to hold DesignAction.bdg, an international conference/workshop on Design Thinking, but not all of us have a design background, nor are familiar with conventional design process, and most of us have never experienced Design Thinking approach. Therefore, as one of the pre-events that precede DesignAction.bdg, we held an internal workshop on Design Thinking, by inviting Amelia Hendra (ex-IDEO Shanghai) to be the facilitator. This workshop consisted of an introduction about Design Thinking, then an exercise to use the method within the context of urban mobility issues. It is like doing a simulation of the actual DesignAction.bdg event in a smaller scale.


Day One: introduction

The workshop was held on April 5-6, 2013, attended by about 30 participants. In the first day, Amelia introduced herself. It helped that she was born in Indonesia (originally from Pontianak, West Kalimantan), so Indonesian language was used the whole time. During this workshop, she was assisted by Adi Panuntun, founder of Sembilan Matahari and co-founder of Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF), a movie maker/ video mapping creator who pursued his study in Design Thinking at Northumbria University, UK. The participants are organizing members of/ contributors to DesignAction.bdg event that came from different backgrounds and communities in Bandung, such as Riset Indie, Labtek Indie, Sahabat Kota, Vidour, GrowBox, Sembilan Matahari, KreativeLab, Fight.BDG, ITB (from School of Business and Management, Faculty of Art and Design, and Architecture Department) and UNPAR. Amelia proceeded with giving an overview about Design Thinking method and examples. The participants came up with questions, whether the Design Thinking phases should start from a certain point or if it can be started anywhere, about “extreme users”, and discussed the importance of “reframing”, since this is practically the most important skill required in the process. Lunchtime was filled with a documentary video about Curitiba, which inspires us all: that with few resources we should still be able to move and make changes. The day ended with an assignment that required the participants to break into groups and started a fieldwork: Understanding urban mobility through the lens of Bandung. The participants should map out design challenges: map out key stakeholders, list out interview questions, and divide tasks with team members.



1 Observe & Understand: Not only about being creative | But also about being empathetic

2 Reframe: Does not start with the answers | But about asking the right questions

3 Ideate: Not only for designers | But also for problem solvers and optimists

4 Prototype: Not only about designing and thinking | But also making, learning, and sharing

5 Co-design: Not only about perfection | But also about perspectives

Processing ideas

Processing ideas

In the second day, the process was continued and completed, up to prototyping and sharing phases. There were four groups, each took a different focus: angkot (a public minibus that serves as a public transportation method that dominates Bandung), pedestrian, DAMRI (city bus) and PKL (mobile food vendors that often cover a parcel of roads and sidewalks). As a closing, each group presented their findings and solutions, all in role-playing, and it was obvious from this phase that everyone enjoyed the workshop. It was a pleasant way to identify actual Bandung mobility problems from different viewpoints, to exercise all forms of creativity and to come up with recommendations that might be solutions for the problems.

The groups proposed products, systems, programs and activities that might release some burden related to mobility and traffic, at different scales. Some might need conventional way of infrastructure improvements, but most could actually be implemented without requiring substantial financial capital and complex bureaucracy, and could be succeeded as long as networks and collaboration among local people and communities are available.

An impression from a participant (Ronaldiaz from Agritektur): Collaboration is an important key point, since this workshop was joined by people with multidisciplinary background. If one participant from each discipline could contribute one solution from his/her field, by collaborating we would be able to give a comprehensive solution. The power of collaboration is indeed frightening!

Thanks to Amelia and everyone involved in the workshop! We had fun – a productive kind of fun – which what we of young productive age actually need, to be able to respond innovatively to endless problems faced by our urban environment.

The results of the four groups were all presented at the next Pre-Event of DesignAction.bdg, PechaKuchaNight.BDG that was held on Sunday evening, 26 May 2013.

Pedestrian team

Pedestrian team

Angkot team at work

Angkot team at work

DAMRI team

DAMRI team

Amelia closing the workshop

Amelia closing the workshop

Amelia assisting a group

Amelia assisting a group

Walk the Talk, and Do It With Your Style

PMLCC Report, Bangkok, 12-19 October 2009

by Deny Willy, Director of Apikayu Foundation

Surprisingly, I was selected to represent Indonesia as a participant of Project Management and Leadership Training for Climate Change (PMLCC) 2009. Frankly, there is a big question in mind, wondering why I was chosen, since ‘environmental subject’ is not my background, which I find the reason later on. Together with Ghani Kunto, and Pungky Widiaryanto, another participants from Indonesia, we joined this international program.

I have joined a similar program of young leadership training with young leaders from South-East Asia countries, but PMLCC open a discussion among European and Asian young leaders, so I could imagine how fruitful the program was.

We learned about leadership quite a lot, each activity pushed everyone to learn in depth about basic principles of  leadership. We used various games to approach  those basic principles, we took a moment to think about ourselves in relation to the leadership dimensions and in the same time tried to assess our behavior and awareness against each dimension, there we had a chance to dig deeper.

Next to doing those exercises, we had input about the situation and other people’s ideas in term of reacting to climate change and environmental issues around the world. I had my first learning of understanding the low-carbon control and economy through this forum. I was fascinated when Dr. Anond Snidvong (Director of  START Regional Center) explained very clearly about what we have done to our planet and our daily activity emitted carbon emission and produced green gas house which supposed to be a cause of extreme climate change, devastating disaster we are witnessing right now. The message is how we could control carbon emission by changing our lifestyles. He gave an illustration how our 1 kg organic trash in our daily life will emit more than 10 kg carbon during two years of its biodegradation. Then things come up in my mind, how many carbon we released in my creative process of producing sketch to design prototyping, and what about my students, no one ever explained them to concern on this. No lectures to my students in my college about our responsibility to have a low carbon diet!

We had chance to watch and discus ADB “Mini Stem” Climate Change film introduced by Mr. Khan ram-Indra, Climate Change Office, British Embassy Bangkok. I remembered Prof. Emil Salim emphasized that, Indonesia had lost 29 islands during years because of sea level rising, the expert says in next coming years if sea level raising further we could be lost up to 2005 islands, and it could be more, Professor stressed, to Indonesia, climate change is not a theory but a survival of this country.

But I found also different thoughts from other participants during our discussion. This forum consisted of young scientist, young policy maker, young social leader, academician, from Europe and Asian countries. This forum has became so colorful with their thoughts, I remembered my friend from Greece Theodoros Anagnostopoulos and  Stefan Balici from Romania said, don’t be so romantic about climate change issue since we don’t have any convincing evidence that extreme climate change caused by human, so far we are assuming. Michaela Rýgrová from Czech responded that climate change is happening since the beginning of the universe, thanks to climate change from ice age to nowadays, what becomes a problem is its speed up of climate change, do we need a proper word for climate change?

Another interesting point on that day was we need to have a illustration about what bad things could happen in term of climate change based on more specific targets, for instance the lost of 6,7 billion GDP in next 100 years ahead will not be easily understood by people, rather than policy maker. It means we need to fit the message we are trying to say about the climate change to the purposive target, for instance some people will easily understand what happen by seeing sea level up and island lost, but some people will get the idea by seeing figures, numbers or graphic, etc.

We had very fantastic presentations from a number of delegates, how lucky I am to be here to see creative people from different fields, from creative artist who uses technology that produces sounds from the plants, water, and then young ambassador of climate change from different countries sharing their activities that vibrant of one dimension of becoming a leader which is I WALK THE TALK; I act as I wish others to do. Theater Artist that showed their big talent with children around the world. Also a group of young creative scientists with their ideas of science communication with fun around the world through science theater. They had a Christmas performance for children, a way of scientists explained the science of Santa Claus would shared million presents to kids around the world within a night, they explained the physics theory of relativity, they explain also diabetes in term of Santa Claus should take care his health (you may find this group at www.scico.gr).

One of the programs was a site visit to a few places, where all delegates had to choose one of the locations;

1. Population & Community Development Association (PDA) is the leading and most diversified NGO in Thailand. PDA has pioneered sustainable grassroots endeavours, marked by extensive villager involvement not only as beneficiaries, but also as partners, planners, managers and leaders. PDA’s programs are based on the belief that local people are best suited to be an equal partner in shaping and sustaining their own development (http://www.pda.or.th/eng/)

2. Appropriate Technology Association (ATA), ATA is a non-profit organisation established in 1982 with a mandate to carry out research and development, and promote appropriate technology for the betterment of rural society i.e. biomass, biodiesel, energy efficient cooker, organic farming. ATA also promotes the alternatives on sustainable development to local community in Northeast area of Thailand for their sustainable living conditions. The development objective of the project is by 2010 the use of sustainable energy in Thailand is increased in relation to total energy supply.

3. Elephant Conservation in Khao Yai Area, where people could see how they manage this conservation area, the reason…

4. Khao Yai National Park is situated two hours from Bangkok in a complicated mountain range  where this park is the second largest in Thailand. Its waterfalls include the 80 meters Haeo Narok and Haeo Suwat made famous from the film The Beach. The Park was established in 1962 and is the Thailand’s first national park. In 1984, the Park was made an ASEAN Heritage Park and in 2005 it was inscribed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most important think I learned from this site visit was Thai people had chance to see perfect scenery of huge forest with its richous special and biodiversity, just by having a two hours land trip from their hectic capital, Bangkok. How many hours should we reach a forest from our capital city, Jakarta? You guess..

(I supposed to go to PDA rather than Khao Yai National Park, since I didn’t read the information seriously. I have missed the important information written that PDA has pioneered sustainable grassroots endeavours for water resource development and sanitation, income-generation, environmental conservation and promotion of small-scale rural enterprise programmes instead of instead  of HIV/AIDS education and prevention which I thought it was not my field, how come!? However I enjoyed pretty much the green scenery out there).

We had a thoughtful learning while watching ‘The Age of Stupid’ movie, to understand that we are heading to age of  passiveness or the age of ignorance, we can be too late, and it was so horrible. On the last day, we came to realize there are many ways to set up a creative work by tools that are provided to sharpen our design projects. The training welcome each to negotiate, looking for partnership and gaining our communication skills in order to conduct an environmental project with a background of creative activity.

I felt enlightened by so many examples from participant’s presentation, advocacy, technical assistance,  campaigns, performing art, artwork in the field of environmental which can be approached by the media art. I presented my last project of utilizing local raw materials (the trunk of snakefruit/salacca edulis) to increase the income of local people and keeping them away from landslide disaster in the future. Through this forum, I promised myself to re-set up the project since some problems had set off the activity right now.  I share my thought about 3 things in relation to the potential of art as a tool of environment advocacy:

  1. Easy to be delivered
  2. Low investment
  3. Are easily replicated

I consider art as a mean of an inexpensive and an effective way to create a movement based on community participation, however, the movement at the same time should be a benefit to the targeted people as well. Whether it is financially or mentally benefited, this means that people can be pushed to participate in the global movement to protect the environment if they make benefit of it. That was my thought to share in this forum.

(The illustrated project can be seen from the activities accompanied by Apikayu Foundation, in Cineam Village, Kab. Tasikmalaya, Indonesia in terms of utilizing local raw materials (snakefruit trunks) to increase local people income and keeping them away from landslide disaster in the future (you can see this project through the website www.yayasanapikayu.org).

My educational background is not directly related to the environment, however, I worked my way to admire and appreciate nature and the environment. My job as a consultant in the field of skill training handicraft products provide opportunity to see a lot of potential and challenges in the nature around me. Some development of handicraft products that I developed with the use of natural materials around us has a positive potential in building awareness of local communities to preserve and protect the environment. Besides using natural raw materials designed become an added-value product.

Walk the talk, and do it with your style!