Rabu tanggal 20 Desember 2023 lalu, rekan dari Kemlu mengabari bahwa setelah dua bulan melakukan negosiasi intensif, Sidang Umum PBB mengadopsi Resolusi No. A/78/459 tentang “Promosi Ekonomi Kreatif untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan” yang diinisiasi oleh Indonesia dan didukung bersama oleh 59 negara.
[Negara-negara pendukungnya adalah sebagai berikut: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, China, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, Suriname, Türki̇ye, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Australia, Bolivia, Brunei Darussalam, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hungary, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Viet Nam, Barbados, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Chad, Colombia, Djibouti, El Salvador, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania.]
Dengan adanya Resolusi ini, ekonomi kreatif akan didiskusikan secara berkala di 2nd Committee Sidang PBB (setiap dua tahun, mulai dari Sesi ke-81 dari Sidang Umum tahun 2026). Hal ini membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk mendorong kebijakan yang lebih baik, lebih banyak aksi, lebih banyak kemitraan dan pendekatan yang lebih inovatif untuk mempercepat perkembangan ekonomi kreatif.
Turut senang dan berbangga atas pencapaian Indonesia dalam perannya sebagai inisiator yang mengangkat Ekonomi Kreatif untuk menjadi komitmen dunia. Terima kasih pada Kemenparekraf dan Kemlu atas inisiasi, dukungan dan kerja kerasnya selama ini.
Menjelang penetapan resolusi ini, dilakukan High-Level Briefing and Panel Discussion di Markas Besar PBB di New York, pada tanggal 7 September 2023. Di bawah ini tersalin yang saya sampaikan pada kesempatan tersebut. Bahasan selanjutnya tentu saja adalah apa yang akan kita lakukan setelah ini. Di posting berikutnya, ya.
High-Level Briefing and Panel Discussion: Promoting Creative Economy
for Sustainable Development | Thursday, September 7th 2023 @UNHQ CR12
Dr. Dwinita Larasati, M.A. | titalarasati.com | @larasatita
Executive Committee, Indonesia Creative Cities Network (ICCN)
Lecturer/researcher, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Focal point Bandung City of Design, UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN)
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to be able to participate in the discussion about Creative Economy for Sustainable Development in this prominent event. Which is also quite timely, due to the recent occurrences that have forced us to find different ways to produce and consume and to interact, that have accelerated the utilisation of advanced and digital technology, and driven the dynamics of priorities regarding the choice of resources, including human capital. There is a shift to a sector of the economy that is based primarily not on extracting natural resources, but on intersecting human creativity and capital, which we recognise as the Creative Economy.
In the recent global forums, the subject of Creative Economy has been brought up to platforms that produced policy recommendations, including the argument that the Creative Economy is a sector that can provide inclusivity and the future of work, adding values by implementing advanced technology and creating Intellectual Property potentials, in a human-centred development ecosystem.
Creative Economy has also been implemented at the local or subnational levels, as an iteration to synchronise with the New Urban Agenda that heavily involved participations from civil society, community, and other stakeholders within the Creative Economy ecosystem. Within this scope, measurements of Creative Economy potentials and impacts have become more manageable, resulting in Creative City Index that works as a tool to assist policymakers in creating development plans and decisions based on the Creative Economy potentials in their respective regions. It is crucial to acknowledge the roles of a national-level civil society organisation such as Indonesia Creative Cities Network in persuading the local governments to synergise with affiliated local communities and workers in creative sectors.
A Global Agenda for the Cultural and Creative Industries containing 11 key actions, each relates to its respective SDGs, has been formulated by the Global Creative Economy Council, who recognised that some of the most powerful and dynamic ideas and the fastest growth in the cultural and creative sectors are found in the Global South, including informal workers in under-resourced urban areas.
Among the most notable documents is, “Creative Economy 2030”, a policy brief that identifies the main challenges of the development of Creative Economy at the global level, among others are: harmonisation of standards, protocols and definitions, related to failed identification of the emerging skills that drive creative industries; wrong characterisation of the creative sectors as “arts”, therefore diminishing their appeal to investors seeking strong commercial returns; IP valuation and protection; and marginalisation of informal workers.
All these research, white papers and policy recommendations at the global level are widely accessible; however, it requires serious commitment and strategic synergies among all stakeholders within a Creative Economy ecosystem at multiple levels, in order to gain impactful and measurable achievements.
The practice of Creative Economy appears in many forms and at different scales, depending on the potentials and capacities of the region of its implementation, also on the nomenclature of the Creative Economy sector within the governmental structure, policies and regulations.
Bali Creative Economy Roadmap that was drawn as a result of the World Conference on Creative Economy in Bali, 2022, consists of four sub-themes that are placed in quadrants with the axis of Current State and Future Landscape, and Conceptual Ideas and Concrete Action: (1) Creative Economy for Global Revival, (2) Inclusivity and SDGs Agenda, (3) IP and Rights of the Creative, (4) The Future of Creative Economy.
This roadmap aims to be adopted by multiple countries, who could place their respective Creative Economy development strategies and priorities in relevant quadrants, within similar timelines, whenever applicable. This would create an overview of Creative Economy development trends in different places, including its contribution to the SDGs agenda.
Creative Economy should be measurable through its impacts, particularly related to the urgency within its ecosystem, such as the future of works and informal economy, and to global issues such as climate, energy and food security. It is crucial to have a consistent measuring tools and indicators that can be implemented in different regions; the ones that can validate Creative Economy as a sector that has positive impacts regarding the SDGs.
In addition, the results from one global forum on Creative Economy to another will be ineffective, unless there is an entity with the capacities and resources to archive and process those results, to become the basis for the next global forum. It is crucial to put this matter into consideration, so that discourses on the Creative Economy can always be progressive and relevant to the current situation and urgencies.
In conclusion, promoting Creative Economy for Sustainable Development require the following:
- Strengthening the roles of Friends of Creative Economy (FCE). Since its establishment, FCE has been an open group of people from different organisations and backgrounds from all over the world, with interests in Creative Economy. FCE has been idle, and is perhaps a strategic starting point to exercise more commitment. The prospect to form a kind of “global task force” who is capable to maintain and progress the issues of Creative Economy should be exercised.
- Having the sub organisations within the UN whose scopes directly relate to the Creative Economy ecosystem (ILO, UNCTAD, UNESCO, WIPO) to support the progress of Creative Economy and its global programs, such as the World Conference on Creative Economy (WCCE).
Thank you.
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