Our Art, Design and Environment class yesterday was taught by Dr. Ratna Panggabean, one of our senior lecturers, from Craft Department. She specializes in textile craft and has spent a substantial amount of time working with indigenous people within that context.
In this class, these art, craft and design students are expected to understand that any artifact that materializes as their creations will have an impact to the environment. They also have to understand how the Spirit to Create emerges within them, which was the message from yesterday’s lecture, of which some points are derived, as follows:
Each person would radiate whatever aura is within him or her. Therefore, you can sometimes feel uncomfortable with a person, whom you tend to avoid or take a distance from, due to the negative ambiance. On the contrary, you would be attracted to a person who releases good vibes, and you would want to be around the person to absorb the positive energy.
How would one possess the good vibes? It is from feeling Love, for anything. One can be very much in love with another person, or with a pet, or even with the surrounding nature. Among the most known physical expression urged by this feeling is a smile. But people who Create, and who have the skills to materialize their thoughts and feelings, are able to express this overwhelming feeling through their works. This is what sometimes people refer to as Creativity that comes from the heart.
The point of this subject continues to the indigenous people who create objects due to their Love and Respect for nature, for particular moments, for the Greater Being, and for any other things that might come to mind. These artifact, which reflect the sincere feelings, are often created through genuine dedication and a lot of hard work, and therefore bear the consequences of being highly attractive.
This session was like a reminder that one can actually influence another in an individual creativity process. The phrase “You bring out the best in me” might be a form of such phenomenon, where one becomes motivated to perform his/her best. Just imagine if one such process meet another in a collaboration, in projects and/or programs that contribute positively to society, and the environment. It might be a start to something significant if each of us can just enhance our positive vibes!