Scribbles: The Climate Project Asia-Pacific Summit 2011

The most exciting occurrence that kicked 2011 for me was being participating in The Climate Project Asia-Pacific Summit that was held in Jakarta for three days. Al Gore himself came, spoke and trained us about climate change, its consequences and solutions. His team also gave us comprehensive materials concerning the science of climate change, also the arts of presenting yourself and your materials in order to be able to relay the important messages to your audience.

I might run over that subject some other time, but this time I’m just going to put a link to scribbles I’ve made during the sessions. This scribbling is a habit I have ever since I attended school, of course in different forms; the styles have been evolving. I drew these while listening to all speakers (except when we were told to do activities), so some things might not be comprehensible unless you were in the same room with me those days. Here’s the link to all 23 pages: The Climate Project Asia-Pacific Summit 2001 Scribbles.

Such is the look of the sketches

Each segment has its own story, that’s why it might take a long while to explain everything. But you are very welcome to ask.

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