Tag Archives: lamp

Lidi by Meirina Triharini

Coconut mid-ribs, or lidi in the local language, is a material that has been used widely in Indonesia, but mostly as brooms or placemats, with no further thoughts put into it. For her graduation project at Industrial Design ITB, Meirina took this presumably inferior material and conducted experiments to explore it further, resulted in a number of interior elements: lighting accessories, containers, tableware, etc.

Lidi by Meirina Triharini

Skin by Amelia Rachim

Amelia Rachim explored the waste of a fishing industry for her final project at the Industrial Design section of ITB: fish skin, which are normally thrown away and burnt. She came up with a concept to preserve, clean and dye the skin pieces and apply them on products such as lighting accessories, tableware and stationery.

Skin by Amelia Rachim