Potret Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia

Humbled to be able to represent researchers in the field of Design, and Creativity in general; a relatively young discipline that never stands alone, that is heavily loaded with multi-dimensional contexts in order to create real impacts and make a difference, that is often considered inferior compared to other fields of knowledge — especially here in Indonesia.

Respect and gratitudes to those who are involved in this work.

Semoga semangat dan sikap “ilmuwan” makin tumbuh di segala kalangan di Indonesia. Bukan hanya soal berprofesi sebagai peneliti di institusi formal, tapi juga di keseharian, ketika sudah tumbuh kesadaran untuk selalu cek ulang fakta, bersikap obyektif dan sportif dalam berargumen, serta bermurah hati untuk berbagi hal-hal yang nyata-nyata bermanfaat bagi sesama.

Selamat menjelang 2020!

Katalog Pameran Potret Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia

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