Tag Archives: culture

UNITAR CIFAL Jeju Workshop

Juli 2023 lalu, saya kembali menginjakkan kaki di Jeju, sejak pertama kalinya mengunjungi pulau itu di tahun 2014 sebagai salah satu pembicara di pertemuan PAN Asia Network. Selang sekian tahun, terlihat banyak perubahan di Jeju; dulu sepertinya fasilitas akomodasi dan transportasi terbatas, tidak seperti sekarang, banyak pilihan hotel dan tempat-tempat makan, museum, dan destinasi lainnya. Meskipun merupakan bagian dari negara Korea Selatan, Jeju tidak mensyaratkan visa bagi WNI. Proses persiapan perjalanan pun menjadi jauh lebih mudah.

Tujuan ke Jeju kali ini adalah untuk memenuhi undangan sebagai dosen tamu di rangkaian workshop dengan tema “Culture as Powerful Fuel for Building a Sustainable City”, terjadwal pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2023. Workshop ini diselenggarakan oleh the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) CIFAL Jeju/Jeju International Training Center (JITC), disponsori oleh Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, berkolaborasi dengan the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Asia Pacific. Berikut kutipan dari undangan mengenai UNITAR CIFAL Jeju:

UNITAR CIFAL Jeju is a part of CIFAL Global Network (International Training Center for Local Authorities/Actors) of UNITAR, a training arm of the UN system. The Center was established in 2010 under the agreement of UNITAR, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the International Peace Foundation based in Korea. The center provides local actors including government officials and civil society leaders in the Asia-Pacific region with various capacity-building training programs to exchange strategies, best practices and lessons learned in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Topik materi yang disampaikan adalah: Power of culture in urban settings: place, identity, and a sense of belonging. Pesertanya, sekitar 30 orang, berasal dari bidang budaya dan pembangunan perkotaan di wilayah Asia Pasifik. Tujuan workshop ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi sinergi yang mempertemukan kedua bidang tersebut, sambil mengumpulkan peran budaya dalam membangun kota yang inklusif dan berpusat pada manusia, dalam memperkuat kualitas lingkungan binaan dan alami dalam perkotaan. Yang pada akhirnya mengintegrasikan budaya dalam pembuatan kebijakan perkotaan, untuk mempromosikan pembangunan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan.   

Dengan topik ini, paparan saya memuat sekilas tentang konsep Bandung sebagai Kota Kreatif UNESCO, bahwa semuanya berlangsung karena inisiatif komunitas dan warga secara bottom-up, dengan frameworks Design Thinking, Urban Acupuncture dan People-Place-Ideas, merujuk pada SDG dan New Urban Agenda, serta referensi Culture Urban Future dari UNESCO. Fashion Village Lab, Airborne.bdg dan Urban Games ditampilkan sebagai control konkrit untuk memudahkan penyampaian pesan, juga dalam konteks Cipta Ruang/Placemaking sebagai konsekuensi dari berbagai program tersebut. Kasus-kasus empirik dari kekuatan budaya dalam ranah perkotaan ini dirangkum dan dirumuskan menjadi berbagai rekomendasi kebijakan yang telah disampaikan di beberapa forum dunia terkait ekonomi kreatif.     

 Dalam workshop ini, ada 5 peserta yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, tersebar berbaur dalam kelompok-kelompok yang berasal dari negara yang berbeda-beda. Di sesi terakhir hari itu, tiap kelompok mempresentasikan kasus/pilot dari tempat asal masing-masing sesuai tema workshop, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi diskusi yang menarik, terutama karena bisa saling berefleksi, belajar dan bertukar pikiran. Senang mendapat peluang ini. Terima kasih untuk UCLG yang telah merekomendasikan, dan tim UNITAR CIFAL yang sangat resourceful!

Culture and Creative Economy

I posted this on my Instagram on Oct 12, 2022 (the event itself was on Oct 7) and I thought some points might need to be referred to in the near future. Photos and the complete speech are posted here as well, for when the day comes.


The Director General of Culture Hilmar Farid @hilmarfarid delivered his thoughts at the closing session of the World Conference on Creative Economy, titled “Towards a Sustainable Future”. It’s such a pleasure to have him here, since there has always been a dichotomy between “Culture” and “Creative Economy” within the contexts of formality: government regulations and structures. While, in fact, Creative Economy – especially in our region – can’t be separated from Cultural and Creative Industries and the infinite inspiration from (indigenous) culture, tradition, and resources.

Many points are worth highlighting, but here are some particular ones:

“On the policy side, we need to move away from our fixation on economic growth and begin to seriously take the emotional, spiritual, and cultural dimensions into account.”

“I think of the relationship between the cultural sector and the creative economy as complementary, not competitive.”

Direct stakeholders of those sectors commonly (and perhaps subconsciously) retain the mindset of “Cultural Activities” as cost exhaustive and project “Creative Economy” as an income generator. We just have to keep rediscovering a balance mechanism so the two may thrive sustainably in the future.

Thank you for the insights, Bang Fay, looking forward to having further interactions! 

The Director General of Culture Hilmar Farid @hilmarfarid delivered his thoughts at the closing session of the World Conference on Creative Economy, titled “Towards a Sustainable Future”. It’s such a pleasure to have him here, since there has always been a dichotomy between “Culture” and “Creative Economy” within the contexts of formality: government regulations and structures. While, in fact, Creative Economy – especially in our region – can’t be separated from Cultural and Creative Industries and the infinite inspiration from (indigenous) culture, tradition, and resources.

Many points are worth highlighting, but here are some particular ones:

“On the policy side, we need to move away from our fixation on economic growth and begin to seriously take the emotional, spiritual, and cultural dimensions into account.”

“I think of the relationship between the cultural sector and the creative economy as complementary, not competitive.”

Direct stakeholders of those sectors commonly (and perhaps subconsciously) retain the mindset of “Cultural Activities” as cost exhaustive and project “Creative Economy” as an income generator. We just have to keep rediscovering a balance mechanism so the two may thrive sustainably in the future.

Thank you for the insights, Bang Fay, looking forward to having further interactions!